Ki-Ya Video Posted To Beat Mistress YouTube Channel

I just posted the video for Ki-Ya on YouTube + I'm crossing my fingers that YouTube censors don't block it!  Yes, there are some bare breasts in my video but it's ART!  The video features me + 3 dancers dressed in some South Pacific islands finery with a bit of body paint thrown in for good measure.  We do our version of a sort of witch doctor dance with a sacrificial body (me) being prepared to be tossed into a volcano.  It's shot in a dream-style with interesting effects to enhance the altered state of consciousness within.  

Sound intriguing?  I think you'll get a kick out of it.   Ki-Ya is from the Primal One album + it is available for download or you can stream it on Amazon, Spotify, YouTube, YouTube Music, Bandcamp + all the major streaming services.  

 Video was directed by Joe Cole (RIP) who was a kind, creative soul who video'd Henry Rollins, Hole + many other artists.  More about working with Joe in a coming blog.

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